

    26 April 2018, Volume 8 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Biased Ligand——Novel Paradigm for Opioid Analgesics
    SUN Yi,TAN Bo,SU Rui-bin
    2018, 8 (2):  1-7.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1396.2018.02.001
    Abstract ( 691 )   PDF (2079KB) ( 646 )  
    Morphine and related opioids have been used as clinical analgesics for centuries,but various side effects-which include respiratory depression,tolerance and addictionset a limit to medication. Consequently,unremitting efforts have been directed towards the discovery of effective and nonlethal pain killers. Recent studies identified a novel β-arrestindependent pathway through μ-opioid receptor and indicated that side effects of morphine are mediated through β-arrestin-dependent pathway while G-protein-dependent pathway is thought to confer analgesia,which means biased ligands to G-protein signaling are possible analgesics without side effects. The theory of biased ligands may provide a novel strategy to design better and safer opioid analgesics. In this review,we summarized the discovery,development and application of β-arrestin-dependent pathway and biased ligands.
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    Ischemic Injury of Cortical GABAergic Neurons:Vulnerability,Mechanism and Pathological Impacts
    WANG Jin-hui,HUANG Li,CHEN Na
    2018, 8 (2):  8-25.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1396.2018.02.002
    Abstract ( 627 )   PDF (2023KB) ( 474 )  
    Cerebral ischemic stroke is a common neurological disease in senior individuals. Therapeutic strategies include anticoagulation,thrombolysis,neuroprotection and anti-inflammation. These efforts have not shown to fully improve stroke patients. Although studies have provided valuable insights for early interventions in neuroprotection,searching mechanisms underlying ischemic stroke is critically needed. Cerebral GABAergic neurons have been found to be vulnerable to pathological situations,such as ischemia,oxidative stress,acidosis and toxic molecules. The high consumption of cellular energy and the low volume of cellular buffer system make GABAergic neurons being vulnerable to the hazard internal environment. Insufficient blood flow initiates ischemic processes in brain cells,especially in GABAergic neurons and astrocytes. These changes activate intracellular signaling pathways and influence
    membrane components in GABAergic neurons. Moreover,an ischemic failure for astrocytes to reuptake glutamates exacerbates the dysfunction of GABAergic cells. Their dysfunctions in encoding spikes and transmitting synaptic signals may shift neural balance toward the excitotoxicity,which leads to the ischemic stroke of nerve cells. The studies of mechanisms underlying GABAergic cell vulnerability to toxic environments should provide the clues for developing therapeutic strategies in the protection of neuronal functions from ischemic injury.
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    Effect of Cuprizone on Oligodendrocyte-associated Proteins
    GU Li-hong,LI Lin
    2018, 8 (2):  58-58. 
    Abstract ( 238 )  
    Objective:To investigate the effect of cuprizone on the oligodendrocyte (OLs)related proteins. Methods: Mixed glial cells of cortices from neonatal rats(24 h after born) were primarily cultured for 7 d,and cells were purified by horizontal orbital shaking,differential adhesion and defined culture media. After three days,OLs were exposed to 25 nmol·L-1 cuprizone and further cultured for 3 days. Cells were observed by optical microscope and identified by immumofluorescence staining with MBP and DAPI. MBP,Fyn,Erk1/2 and other proteins were tested by Western Blot. Results:High purity mature OLs (specific marker MBP) were obtained. Compared to normal cells,the contents of MBP,Erk1/2 and p-Fyn (416 point) were significantly reduced in the cells exposed to Cuprizone. Conclusion: Cuprizone inhibits the expression of oligodendrocyte-associated proteins.
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