Guide to Authors

  • Contents

    Section 1: Publishing Scope

    Section 2: Requirement for Manuscript

    Section 3: Peer Review and Editing

    Section 4: Ethics

    Section 5: Copyright and Archive

    Section 6: Correction and Retraction

    Section 7: Fees

    Section 8: Method of Submission

    Section 1: Publishing Scope

    1.       Academic Scope: Act Neuropharmacologica is a unique professional academic journal in China that focuses on neuropharmacology and related fields. Aimed at promoting basic research of neuropharmacology, the journal mainly reports the original and innovative scientific achievement of basic and applied research in neuropharmacology and related disciplines. Article on the study of new drugs with definite chemical elements are especially welcomed. In principle, the journal will not accept papers of which the composition of drugs is not constant efficacy, such as ex-forge and coarse preparations. However, articles reporting Chinese herb pharmacological that meet national standards (with the approval number of each batch) will be published collectively or selectively.

    2.       Priority: The following papers will be published preferentially: Articles funded by projects at provincial or ministerial level or above; Articles focused on solving key or focal problems; Articles which are instructive and meaningful and the theories can be applied widely; Articles written by academicians or tutors of PhD and postgraduate students; Articles on innovative experimental methods or new technology; Articles on international cooperation projects; Articles that have significant discoveries that are planned to apply for awards; Articles recommended by two or more editorial members of the journal as having significant innovation; Manuscripts considered as excellent in the preliminary review.

    3.       Columns: The columns include Original Research Articles, Experimental Methodology, Research Notes, Reviews, Scholar Forums, Academic Trends, etc.

    Scholar Forums and Review: Scholar Forums only accepts invited manuscripts of retrospective and prospective articles by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of engineering and leadings experts and professors in the field of pharmacology. Reviews generally accepts articles written by professors, graduate tutors, doctors or doctoral students (with the guidance of graduate tutors). The article should include comments on current research hot topics in neuropharmacology and related fields, combined with the author's own work in this field. Especially, domestic literature and the author's innovative work should be included in the review. For these two columns, the wordcount of the main body text should be at least 10000 words with at least 50 references. In principle, one third of references should be publications in the last five years.

    Original Research Article: The articles of the column report the original and innovative research results in neuropharmacology and related fields. The number of words in the full text (including figures and tables, excluding references) generally should not exceed 8000 words, with less than 20 references.

    Research Notes and Experimental Methodology: Articles of these columns reports original, innovative and significant achievements of research and experimental methodology in neuropharmacology and related fields. The wordcount (including figures, tables and references) should not exceed 5000 for Research Notes and 3000 for Experimental Methodology.

    Academic Trends: Academic Trends publishes the developing trends in neuropharmacology and its related fields as well as leading scholars’ reports.

    Section 2: Requirement for Manuscripts

    1        General Requirement: The manuscript should meet all of the requirements of this section with scientificalness, innovativeness, practical applicability, authenticity and accuracy. Besides, manuscripts should have clear thought, detailed materials, rigorous argument, concise wording, standard format and illustration, reasonable design, objective documentation, authentic data, as well as appropriate statistical analysis.

    2        Format: Manuscript (including title, authors, institutes, address, abstract, key words, main text, references, figures and tables) should follow the format of 1.5 times spacing, Songti font (Times New Roman for English), size No.12, marked with page number.

    3        Title: Title should be concise, concrete and accurate, well reflecting the main idea and content of the article. Chinese title should not exceed 30 characters, while English title should be within ten notional words with the initial letter of the first word capitalized (for proper nouns, the initial letter capitalized). Foreign words, acronyms, symbols, marks and trade names should be avoided. Subtitle should not be adopted. English title should be corresponding to Chinese title.

    4        Author: Authors’ names should be put below the title, with comma inserted in between. The corresponding author should be indicated with “*” and the contact information (telephone No., fax No. and E-mail) should be marked at the foot notation of the first page (corresponding author is responsible for contact). In the English Abstract, Chinese authors’ names should be written in Pinyin, with surname (all in capital letters) in the front and given name (first letter capitalized, hyphen inserted between two syllables) at back. For foreign authors, his/her native language names should be written according to international conventions. There should be no more than five authors for original research articles, one author for scholar forums, two for reviews (the first author and corresponding author) and three for other types. For each paper, a corresponding author who can take whole responsibility for the paper should be appointed.

    5        Institute: Chinese and English full names of authors institutes (the formal title) should be stated and the city, country and post code should be put into parenthesis and under the names. Authors from different institutes should be marked with numbers at the top right corner. The same number should be marked before the institutes. the institutes should be separated by semicolon “”.

    6        Chinese Book Classification Number: It should be in accordance with the latest published Chinese Library Classification.

    7        Reference Code and Paper Number. This will be finalized by editorial staff and put before abstract.

    8        Abstract: Chinese and English abstract should be written in one paragraph which is independent and self-evident. Indicative abstract should be adopted for Reviews and Scholar Forums, while structured abstract adopted for other articles, which includes OBJECTIVE, METHOD, RESULT and CONCLUSION.  For Chinese abstract, the length should not exceed 300 words, while English abstract should be corresponding to Chinese abstract. The Abstract may be indexed by third party retrieval systems without payment.

    9        Key words: 38 corresponding Chinese and English key words should be put at the end of Chinese and English abstract respectively, with English key words in lower case. Semicolons shall be used among key words, no full stop needed at the end. English Acronyms shall be given in parenthesis if necessary. Subject terms should be selected from the latest version of Index Medicus, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Subject Term List of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    10     Foot Notes: Foot notes should be put at the left bottom of the first page and is separated by a transverse line. Dates of receiving and modifying will be put in the first line. The second will include notation of title, including the number and title of funding project. Brief introduction of the first and most authoritative or corresponding authors shall be put in the third line, including birth date, professional title, degree, academic position, research fields, contact (tel./fax No.), and also whether he/she is a tutor of postgraduate. Normally it should be within 40 words.

    11     Main Body Text: All parts of main body text should be concise and clear. Subheadings should have clear levels and marked with Arabic numerals. The levels should be used as less as possible.  “1”, “1.1”, “1.1.1”should be marked before the subheadings and generally the three-level hierarchy should be adopted. Circled numerals shall be used in paragraphs, such as , , ……. At the first appearance of English acronyms, the Chinese name shall be stated and English full name and acronym should be noted in parenthesis.

    11.1    Introduction: Introduction should not exceed 300 words for clarifying the research aim and significance briefly while summarizing bases of the selected topic, research thought, experiment bases, current situations and background of research in China and overseas, and solved and unsolved problems. Also it should indicate the innovative points and problems to be solved in the study, as well as necessary, representative and latest references shall be mentioned.

    11.2    Materials: Materials used should be described clearly and concretely with explanation of source, variety and specification (including pathological number, drug batch number, apparatus model, cleanness of experimental animal, species, sex and weight etc.) of main experimental materials (animal, plant, drug, agent and apparatus etc.). Latin Name should be noted for the object of study (flora, fauna and microbe), while there should be detailed quality standard for crude drug extract. Experimental animals will be marked with clean grade and qualified number with weight expressed by “mean value ± standard deviation (range of weight). For agents and drugs, Chinese name shall be given (full name and English acronym). Drug names in English should be in accordance with international generic names, and International Nonproprietary Names (INN) will be used other than trade name.

    11.3    Methods: For drugs and chemicals recorded in literatures, they can be mentioned briefly with references quoted. However, administrative methods, dosage and administration route must be specified accurately. Significant improvement should be elaborated while detailed statement of innovative shall be given. Limitation or the research should also be stated. Those detailed information shall be helpful to reproduce the experiment. Program, software and source should be specified for theoretical calculation. Statistical Methods: The statistical methods applied should be stated, such as parameter test (t-test, u-test and F-test etc.), non-parametric test (test of goodness of fit, sign test of paired data and rank sum test, etc.), analysis of variance, correlate and regression, etc.

    11.4    Results: Results should be forthright with clear orderliness and levels. Whereas the data obtained from study will be expressed accurately and authentically with words, tables and figures, but the contents of words, tables and figures shall not overlap. It is inappropriate to quote others’ data or to argument. The experimental results should be analyzed with suitable statistical method. Data of same group will be expressed by mean value ± standard deviation (±s).Sample data shall be represented with n and probability with *P0.05, ** P0.01, *** P0.001.

    11.5    Discussion: Discussion should be brief and to the point with highlight keynote, and should not exceed 800 words. New discoveries, analysis on results, conclusion and problems solved shall be stated with emphasis. Limitation of the study and possible influences of experimental condition shall be explained. Contents of introduction and results will not be repeated and ungrounded conclusion shall be avoided. Quotation should be limited to literatures which are the most relevant and bear inspiration for further study. Summary of literatures shall be avoided. The conclusion should be accurate, complete and concise. Ungrounded conclusions or conclusions which cannot be supported by research materials are not acceptable.

    11.6    Acknowledgement: If the author would like to express thankfulness to the organizations or individuals contributing to the paper, they can write an acknowledgement at the end of manuscript.

    12     Figures and tables: Figures and tables should be self-evident and with reasonable design. The content and title should be written in English. Single column should be 8 cm in width and double column 16 cm. The maximum width shall not exceed 24cm. Figures and tables quoted from other literature shall be marked with proper credit. Figures should be marked with serial number, heading (under the figures) and notes (under the title). Quantities and unit symbols should be put out of the coordinate axes. Photos must have high definition with notation of serial number, heading and direction. Color photos should be avoided as far as possible. Morphological photos should be noted with dyeing method and amplification, Micrographs shall be marked with length scale and up-down position by arrows if necessary. Three-line style shall be adopted for tables, with serial number, heading and notation. Subheading of column should not be absent. Effective digit of same index in the table should be consistent. The headings shall be above tables and notation should be structured with a, b, c, etc. at the bottom.

    13     Numbers: Arabic numerals which shall be used whenever appropriate. Numbers before units should be within the range 0.1~1 000. Effective digit shall be determined by one third of the standard deviation(s). For numbers more than four digits before or after radix point, it should be separated by a space for each three-digit. Effective Numerals: Measured data should not exceed the accuracy of apparatus. Rounding off method for figures after effective numeral: delete for that <5, skip one digit for that >5, skip one digit for that =5 with more numerals after. Numeral rounding off can only be finished once and for all.

    14     Units of Measure and Acronyms: Statutory Measuring Unit of the People's Republic of China based on International System of Units shall be adopted, such as μm, kg, mg, IU, ♂, ♀, mol·L-1, and 1 second(1 s), 2 minutes(2 min), 3hours(3 h), 4 days(4 d), the fourth day(d 4). “” is used for ranges, such as percentage 20%~30. Uncommon Acronyms shall be defined for the first appearance, for example, intravenous injection(iv), intramuscular injection(im), intraperitoneal injection(ip), subcutaneous injection(sc), intraventricular injection(icv), intraarterial injection(ia), per os(po), intragastric perfusion(ig) and relative standard deviation(RSD). Mixing of Chinese and English should be avoided for the same composed dosage units.

    15     References: References should be main original literatures which are read by author directly (for the first submission of manuscript, please list all the authors’ names) and published in formal periodicals in recent five years. Sources to be published or un-published cannot be quoted as references.

    15.1    Literature Number: References should be numbered properly according to the order of appearance. The in-text citation shall be marked with Arabic numerals which should be put into square brackets and inserted at upper right corner, such as [1, 2], [3-5]. The same number should be marked before each item in the reference list. The information of references should be complete. For online electronic literatures, [quotation date] and address should be attached.

    15.2    Literature Type: The format is [Literature type identification / Carrier type identification]. Common Type: periodical [J], monograph [M], dissertation [D], collected papers [C], newspaper [N], standard [S], report [R], patent [P]Electronic literature type: data base [DB], computer program [CP], electronic bulletin [EB]Electronic Carrier Type: magnetic tape [MT], disc [DK], compact Disc [CD], online network[OL] For others or non-indicative literature, [Z] will be adopted. For example, database onlineDB/OL, CD book M/CD, serial online J/OL.

    15.3    Examples for Reference, Citation and Reference Lists


    [Number] Author, Title of paper[J]. Name of Journal, year, Volume (No.): page range.


    [Number] Author, Title of paper [M]//editor. Name of book. Volume No. Publishing No., place and year. Publisher, page range.

    Authors in References: For the first submission of manuscript, please supply all the author names of each referenceFor the version to be published, authors after the third will be replaced by “et al”.

    Section 3: Peer Review and Editing

    1        Review and Editing Policy: The journal implements three rounds of review and complies with relevant national standards and international guidelines. After receiving electronic manuscript, the editorial office will inform manuscript number to authors in three days. Manuscripts shall not be returned no matter whether the article is accepted or not. The review process is as follows.

    1.1       Preliminary Review: After preliminary Review (normally in two months), the editorial office will send reviewers’ comments to authors.

    1.2       Revision: The editorial office will send reviewers’ comments to authors, who should return the revised manuscript to the editorial office together with review comments a statement of revision. Manuscripts with more than 30 days of revision time will be regarded as new submission. Manuscript which are not returned to the editorial office in three months will be treated as withdrawn. Please inform the editorial office of Acta Neuropharmacologica for confirmation before submitting the same manuscript to another journals

    1.3       Finalization: If the revised manuscript need not revising again and the error rate is 5‰ ( including punctuations), it will be published in the next issue right after the reception of the revised manuscript, and a formal publication notice will be issued to author. Editorial office has the right to make corrections and deletions to the manuscript, but for major changes the editorial office would obtain the agreement from authors.

    1.4       Proofreading: Before publishing, authors will receive the proof sheet, APC notice and Copyright Transfer Agreement. Authors should proof-read the article carefully and write remarks on the proof sheet. The proof sheet should be e-mailed back to editorial office within three days. Meanwhile the Copyright Transfer Agreement should be posted back to editorial office.

    2        Timing: Preferrable articles and invited articles would be reviewed by fast channel, and the time for reviewing and editing will not exceed one month. The whole from submission to publication should be less than three months. For common submission, the time of from submission to publication should be less than six months.

    3        Submission by Editors: The editorial staff / editors / editorial board members should not be involved in publishing decisions on papers which they have written themselves or have been written by their family members or colleagues. Any such submission should be strictly subject to the journal’s usual editorial process. Peer review should be handled independently from the relevant author/editor and their research groups.

    4        Acknowledgement for Reviewers: The journal will express thankfulness to reviewers in the last volume every year, and renumeration will be paid to them. “Outstanding reviewers” will be elected and rewarded once a year.

    Section 4: Ethics

    1        Academic Misconduct: All manuscripts would be tested by plagiarism testing systems developed by CNKI, Plagiarism and falsification is strictly prohibited. Once any academic misconduct is verified, the journal will immediately reject the manuscript, make an announcement publicly and notify the authors’ institutes.

    2        Authorship: Those who are named as authors should directly participate in the research and writing work. Other contributors can be listed in “acknowledgement” while “Gift author” is strictly prohibited. There should be a corresponding author who can be fully responsible for the article. The order of authors and institutes shall be collectively determined before submission and shall not be changed thereafter. If there are foreign authors, their consent letter for publishing should be obtained and provided to the editorial office. The authors should specify their contribution and provide the Authors Contribution Form along with the manuscript.

    3        Recommendation Letter: A recommendation letter from the author’s institute should be provided to prove that there is no multiple submission and the manuscript follows the requirement of this journal the authorship is not disputed; the authors are responsible for the authenticity of the content; it does not involve confidentiality; it does not violate the ethical guidelines; the authors are responsible for your own writing.

    4.       Medical Ethics: The ethical issue of the study must comply with common principles of medical ethics. When research participants are humans, the author should explain whether its procedure complied with the ethical standards formulated by relevant committee (institutional, regional or national) responsible for human trials. The approval document of the committee should be submitted (the approval number should be included in the article). Consent letter from research participants or their relatives must be obtained but not submitted to the editorial office. When reporting animal experiments, the study should comply with guidelines published by relevant committee on animal rights, and the approval document should be submitted.

    5.       Trial Registration: Clinical trials must include the Universal Trial Number (UTN) obtained from one of the Primary Registries in the WHO Registry Network. The UTN shall be included in the abstract or the main body of the full text.

    6.       Conflicts of Interest: All authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest, i.e., when the financing/ personal status/ affiliation of the authors (or the authors' organization/ employer) may affect the authors' decision, work or manuscript. When a product is involved, the author should also disclose whether there is a conflict of interest against competitive products. Authors should also submit the Statement of Competing Interests along with the manuscript.

    Section 5: Copyright and Archive

    1.       OA Policy: Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis is an open access journal. Once published, all articles will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read and download free of charge. For more information, please refer to the “Open Access” page on this website.

    2.       Copyright: All authors agree to sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement. Once the submitted article is accepted, the copyright of the article will be transferred to Acta Neuropharmacologica, which shall have exclusive rights for print, online or other possible version of the article, including compilation (part or whole of the article), reproduction, translation, online dissemination, distribution and database licensing. The transfer of copyright is applicable all over the world. The editorial office of Acta Neuropharmacologica has right to make some correction, deletion or technical amendments to the wording of the article. The Copyright Transfer Agreement can be downloaded at "Download Center” and should be signed by all authors and provided along with the manuscript.

    3.       Archive: All journal articles have been digitally archived and can be searched and downloaded from the journal website since the launch of the journal in 2011. In order to ensure data security, all information has also been backed up in the editorial office. The hard copy of each issue of the journal had also been kept in the editorial office for archiving. In addition, other relevant materials are also kept by the editorial office, such as supplementary information and forms provided by the authors. The articles published by the journal are also archived by databases such as CNKI and Wanfang Data.

    Section 6: Correction and Retraction

    1.       General Situation: Articles published online or in print are considered the final and complete version. In principle, the journal does not make corrections or retractions on published articles. However, in case of the situations described below, corrections or retractions may be carried out if truly necessary.

    2.       Correction: If there appears to be an unintended scientific mistake in the article which would not lead to significant impacts on the results and conclusion, the editorial office will publish corrections in the journal as soon as possible, detailing the changes made to the original article and indicating the source of the article. The journal will release the corrected new version of the article, and specify the changes to the original article and the date of update. In addition, the superseded version will also be archived. Readers can obtain it directly, but only the latest version of the article should be used for citation.

    3.       Retraction: In the following cases, the editorial office would retract published articles and issue retraction statements:

    1) If an article is found to have severe scientific errors making the results and conclusion of the article unreliable;

    2) For article suspected of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and data falsification, the editorial office will initiate an investigation and issue a statement to inform readers of the risks associated with the article. Once the investigation is completed, the result will be made public. If the academic misconduct is confirmed, the article will be immediately retracted and a retraction statement will be issued by the editorial office.

    Section 7: Fees and Renumeration

    The journal does not charge any fees such as page fee or review fee for manuscripts. After publishing, renumeration will be paid to authors (including the remuneration for CD-ROM and online editions), and 2 copies of the current journal will be posted to authors free of charge. The journal indexed by databases at home and abroad. Once accepted, the manuscript will be retrievable in the databases. Author's copyright royalties and remuneration shall be paid one-off. If authors have other demands, please contact the editorial office in advance.

    Section 8: Method of Submission

    The author should visit the website , read the instructions carefully and make submission online. The submission will be regarded as your acceptance of the policies of Acta Neuropharmacologica. The author can also submit a soft copy (*.doc) of your manuscript via E-mail The institute, address, postal code, telephone / fax and E-mail address of the corresponding author shall be provided. In addition to the manuscript, the following documents shall be provided. If there is any figure, please also mail a print copy with the original figures to us.

    1) Recommendation Letter

    2) Copyright Transfer Agreement

    3) Authors Contribution Form

    4) Statement of Competing Interests

    5) Funding Certificate

    6) Photocopy of Approval Document by Medical Ethical Committee /Animal Right Committee (If Applicable).

    Mailing address: Editorial Department of Journal of neuropharmacology, No. 11, South Diamond Road, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

    Postal Code: 075000

    Tel. / Fax: 0313-4029566, 0313-4029195;


  • 2011-10-19 Visited: 14788