Acta Neuropharmacologica ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 15-19.

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Establishment and Evaluation of the Conditioned Foot-shock as a Behaviour Model of Social Phobia in Mice

ZHAO Nan, ZHANG Li-Ming, LI Yun-Feng   

  1. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100850, China
  • Online:2014-08-26 Published:2015-01-20
  • Contact: 李云峰,男,博士,研究员,研究方向:精神药理学,
  • About author:赵楠,女,山东省蓬莱市人,药理学硕士,实验师,E-mail:

Abstract: Objective:To establish a stable and specific behaviour model of social phobia(SP) in mice.  Methods: The conditioned foot-shock (0.7mA, 1s, 1-5 times) was used to induce a model of SP in mice. The social investigation behavior were detected on d 2  or d 15 after the foot-shock, with the percentage of investigation time ( IT % ) as a behavior index of SP. In addition, the elevated plus maze test (EPMT), the light/dark transition test (L/DTT) and the forced swimming test (FST) were used to evaluate the generalized anxiety behavior or depression-like behavior of the model mice. Results: In the social investigation test, compared with the non-social stimulus(NSS)group, the IT % of conditioned social stimulus(CSS) group were significantly decreased on  d 2  or d 15 day after the conditioned foot-shock. On the other hand, no significant differences were observed between NSS group and CSS group on the behavioral indexes of EPMT, L/DTT and FST. Conclusion: The SP model in mice was established successfully by the conditioned foot-shock paradigm. The model was stable and specific within at least 2 weeks and without the interference of generalized anxiety or depression-like behavior.

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