Acta Neuropharmacologica

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Effects of Suaibing Essential Oil on Anti-Hypoxia Ability of Mice

WEI Zhen-zhen,FANG Xiao-yan,BAI Ming,MIAO Ming-san,FAN Shuai-ke   

  1. Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou,450046,China
  • Online:2019-10-26 Published:2020-03-03
  • Contact: 苗明三,男,教授,博士;研究方向:主要从事中药药理教学与研究;E-mail:miaomingsan
  • About author:魏珍珍,女,硕士研究生;研究方向:中药药理学;
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Objective:To investigate the effect of Suaibing essential oil on the antihypoxia ability of mice. Methods:Through the establishment of mice hypoxia model under
normal pressure,hypoxia model under reduced pressure and mice hypoxia model induced by isoproterenol,Suaibing essential oil was applied to the head,face and chest of mice. After being applied with essential oil,the mice were placed in a closed environment. The survival time of mice was recorded,and distilled water was used as a blank control group to observe the effect of SuAibing essential oil on anti-hypoxia ability of mice. Results:The experimental results show that Suaibing essential oil can significantly prolong the survival time of normal pressure sealed hypoxia,hypobaric hypoxia,and isoproterenol hypoxic mice(P<0.01). Conclusion:Suaibing essential oil can significantly improve the body’s hypoxia tolerance.

Key words: Suaibing essential oil, hypoxia model, isoproterenol, aromatic therapy

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