Acta Neuropharmacologica ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (1): 37-47.

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Effect of Sleep on Memory Consolidation

SHENG Zhao-fu, ZHANG Yong-he   

  1. Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Science, Peking University, Bejing, 100191, China
  • Online:2013-02-26 Published:2014-06-27
  • Contact: 张永鹤,男,教授,博士生导师;研究方向:睡眠及精神神经药理;E-mail:
  • About author:盛兆福,男,博士研究生;研究方向:睡眠及精神神经药理;
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Abstract: Delayed post learning sleep but not wakefulness enhances memory consolidation. Different types of learning have unique sleep-related memory consolidation mechanisms that act in dissociable brain regions during different sleep phases throughout the night. Sleep exerts beneficial effect on memory consolidation by improving formation of long-term potentiation. Total sleep deprivation, rapid eye movement sleep deprivation and sleep fragmentation may lead to memory deficits through different molecular mechanisms.

Key words: sleep, learning, memory, electroencephalography, long-term potentiation