Acta Neuropharmacologica ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (5): 57-64.

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Research Progress of the Effective Constituents of Traditional Chinese Medicine Used in the Treatment of Gliomas

HAO Jun-rong, SHEN Li-xia   

  • Online:2012-10-26 Published:2014-06-27
  • Contact: 沈丽霞,女,教授,硕士生导师;研究方向:神经药理学;Tel:+86-0313-4029423,E-mail:shenlixiacn @163. com
  • About author:郝军荣,女,讲师,硕士;研究方向:神经药理学及相关药物;Tel: +86-0313-4029305,
  • Supported by:


Abstract: Glioma is malignant tumor in central nervous system with high morbidity.With the in-depth study of the antitumor activities of Chinese medicine, the anti-cancer Chinese medicine has been drawing increasing attention. Recently, with
the better understanding of the molecular etiology of cancer, the development of new antitumor drugs has been increasing. A variety of antitumor drugs of glioma have been reported. This article summarized recent research of traditional Chinese medicine and its effective constituents for the treatment of glioma and their potential mechanisms, which will facilitate the clinical recognization and application of Chinese medince for the treatment of glioma.

Key words: glioma, medications, traditional Chinese medicine