
• 实验方法学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北科技大学,石家庄,050018,中国
  • 出版日期:2019-10-26 发布日期:2020-03-03
  • 通讯作者: 张丹参,女,博士生导师;研究方向:神经药理学,人类疾病与动物模型;Tel:+86-0311-81668016,E-mail:zhangds2011@126.com
  • 作者简介:王非凡,女,硕士研究生;研究方向:神经药理学;E-mail:1091445816@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Methods and Evaluation of Animal Models of Induced Pulmonary Edema

ZHANG Dan-shen,WANG Fei-fan   

  1. Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang,050018,China
  • Online:2019-10-26 Published:2020-03-03
  • Contact: 张丹参,女,博士生导师;研究方向:神经药理学,人类疾病与动物模型;Tel:+86-0311-81668016,E-mail:zhangds2011@126.com
  • About author:王非凡,女,硕士研究生;研究方向:神经药理学;E-mail:1091445816@qq.com
  • Supported by:

摘要: 肺水肿是相对比较罕见的一种疾病。 大多是由于某种原因使大量的组织液在很短时间内不能被肺淋 巴和静脉系统吸收,进而出现了肺水肿现象。 肺水肿是指肺毛细血管内液体渗入肺间质和肺泡,使肺血管外液 量增多的病理状态,是临床急症之一,对其发生机理的假说颇多,且各有实验依据,但都不能完美地解释肺水肿 发生与发展的过程。 因此常常借助一些动物模型来研究其发病机制和相关治疗的实验研究。 该文通过对诱发 动物肺水肿模型方法的详述和评价,对基础与临床研究的应用具有重要意义。

关键词: 肺水肿, 动物模型, 制备方法, 评价


Pulmonary edema is a relatively rare disease. Mostly,for a certain reason,a large amount of tissue fluid cannot be absorbed by the pulmonary lymph and venous system in a short time,and pulmonary edema occurs. Pulmonary edema refers to the pathological state in which the fluid in the pulmonary capillaries infiltrates into the interstitial lung and alveoli,and the amount of extrapulmonary fluid increases. It is one of the clinical emergencies,and there are many hypotheses about its mechanism,and each has experimental basis,but both the process of the occurrence and development of pulmonary edema cannot be fully explained. Therefore,some animal models are often used to study the pathogenesis of the disease and related experimental research. This article is of great significance to the application of basic and clinical research through the detailed description and evaluation of the method of inducing pulmonary edema in animals.

Key words: pulmonary edema, animal models, preparation methods, evaluation
