神经药理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (4): 26-32.

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  1. 哈尔滨医科大学药理教研室,哈尔滨,150081,中国
  • 出版日期:2011-08-26 发布日期:2012-11-24
  • 通讯作者: 艾静,女,教授,博士,硕士生导师;研究方向:神经退行性疾病;Tel:+86-0451-86671354,Email:aijing_86@yahoo.com.cn
  • 作者简介:车慧,女,博士在读;研究方向:痴呆;Email:chehui1203@163.com
  • 基金资助:


The Role of MicroRNA in Learning and Memory Dysfunction

CHEHui,YANG Bao-feng,AIJing   

  1. Department of Pharmacology,Harbin Medical University,Harbin,150081,China
  • Online:2011-08-26 Published:2012-11-24

摘要: MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类内源性的介导基因沉默的小分子RNA,在神经系统的发育、分化及功能行使中发挥重要作用。神经系统退行性疾病和抑郁症等多种疾病都会导致学习记忆功能障碍。患者脑内异常表达的miRNA可以通过多种途径影响疾病的发生和发展。本文将重点从miRNA对神经元突触可塑性和学习记忆功能障碍相关疾病的影响,讨论miRNA在学习和记忆功能障碍中所发挥的作用。

关键词: miRNA, 突触可塑性, 学习, 记忆, 神经系统

Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous small RNAs that can silence the gene expression. miRNAs play an important role in neuronal development,differentiation and function. Neurodegenerative diseases and depression are associated with impairment of learning and memory. The deregulation of miRNAs can affect the occurrence and development of these diseases in many ways. This review highlights the effect of miRNAs on synaptic plasticity and diseases,and also discusses the function of miRNAs in learning and memory dysfunction.

Key words: miRNA, synaptic plasticity, learning, memory, nervous system
