神经药理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 47-.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1396.2024.05.007

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  1. 河北北方学院药学院,河北省神经药理学重点实验室,张家口,075000,中国
  • 出版日期:2024-10-25 发布日期:2024-10-26
  • 通讯作者: 沈丽霞,博士,教授,硕士生导师;研究方向:神经药理学;E-mail:shenlixiacn@163.com
  • 作者简介:张鑫,研究生;研究方向:神经药理学;E-mail:1759054559@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    河北省自然科学基金项目(No.H2019405057),河北省研究生创新资助项目(No.CXZZSS2022145),河北省高等学校科学技术 研究项目(No.ZD2020136)

Recent Progress in the Metabolomics of Alzheimer's Disease

ZHANG Xin, YAO Si-fan, MA Meng-fan, SHEN Li-xia   

  1. Department of Pharmacy, Hebei North University, Hebei Key Laboratory of Neuropharmacology, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China
  • Online:2024-10-25 Published:2024-10-26


阿尔茨海默症是一种复杂的神经退行性疾病,其确切病因至今尚未完全明了。近年来,代谢组学的应用 为解开阿尔茨海默症的复杂生物学机制提供了新视角。通过对生物样本中的全面代谢物进行定量分析,研究者能 够发现与阿尔茨海默症相关的代谢变化,为潜在的诊断标志物和治疗靶点的探究提供了数据支持。该文回顾了代 谢组学在揭示阿尔茨海默症代谢变化、识别生物标志物以及检测手段的研究进展。代谢组学研究证实了AD 患者 存在脑能量代谢降低,膜磷脂代谢异常以及脂质、氨基酸和胆碱代谢相关通路的不平衡。这些发现强调了代谢组 学在AD 中的重要性,并为未来研究的方向和临床诊断提供有价值的信息。

关键词: 阿尔茨海默症, 代谢组学, 生物标志物


Alzheimer's disease is a complex neurodegenerative disorder whose exact etiology is still not fully understood. In recent years, the application of metabolomics has provided new perspectives to unravel the complex biological mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease. By quantitatively analyzing a comprehensive range of metabolites in biological samples, researchers are able to identify metabolic changes associated with Alzheimer's disease, providing data to support the exploration of potential diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. This paper reviews research advances in metabolomics in revealing metabolic changes, identifying biomarkers, and detection tools for Alzheimer's disease. Metabolomics studies have confirmed the presence of reduced brain energy metabolism, abnormal membrane phospholipid metabolism, and imbalances in pathways related to lipid, amino acid, and choline metabolism in patients with AD. These findings emphasize the importance of metabolomics in AD and provide valuable information for future research directions and clinical diagnosis.

Key words: Alzheimer's disease, metabolomics, biomarkers
