神经药理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 42-47.

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  1. 1. 首都医科大学宣武医院,北京,100053,中国
    2. 中国药科大学,南京,210009,中国
  • 出版日期:2011-04-26 发布日期:2012-04-20
  • 通讯作者: 王文,男,博士,副研究员;研究方向:天然药物对脑重大疾病干预研究;Tel:+86-010-83198881,E-mail:?lzwwang@yahoo.com.cn
  • 作者简介:左玮,女,河北省保定市人,硕士研究生;研究方向:神经药理及中药药理;E-mail:eileenzuo@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Roles of Adenomatous Polyosis Coli in the Early Developing Cerebral Cortex

ZUO Wei, JI Hui,WANG Wen   

  1. 1. Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100053, China
    2. China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, 210009, China
  • Online:2011-04-26 Published:2012-04-20

摘要: 结肠腺瘤性息肉病(adenomatous polyosis coli,APC)蛋白是一个大型的多功能蛋白,在发育的大脑皮层中,增殖的细胞可以表达 APC,且当细胞向皮层板迁移的时候它的表达会增加。其对于 Wnt/β-catenin 信号,细胞骨架动态以及细胞极性十分重要。本文对 APC 在大脑皮层早期发育中的作用进行了总结。APC 在大脑皮 层早期发育过程中是调节细胞数目,核迁移运动,细胞极性以及细胞类型的特化所必须的。

关键词: 结肠腺瘤性息肉病, 皮层发育, 神经发生, Wnt信号

Abstract: Adenomatous polyosis coli(APC)is a large multifunctional protein known to be important for Wntβ-catenin signalling, cytoskeletal dynamics, and cell polarity. In the developing cerebral cortex, APC is expressed in proliferating cells and its expression increases as cells migrate to the cortical plate. In this article, we summarized the roles of APC in the early developing cerebral cortex. APC is required for multiple aspects of early cerebral cortical development, including the regulation of cell number, interkinetic nuclear migration, cell polarity, and cell type specification.
